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Ever Deane

Vegan Pregnancy Update {Week 17}

How Far Along: 17 weeks 5 days

Size: About 5 oz and 5 inches long. Fruit comparison – Onion!

Weight gain: 6 lbs

Gender: We don’t know (Eeeek!)

Baby bump: Started to pop this week! In the mornings it is still small but by the time I go to bed I can almost feel my own skin stretching!

Movement: I’ve woken up twice from a movement in my stomach but I was practically asleep so I can neither confirm nor deny that it was our little one. I’m waiting for something a little more obvious while I’m not in dream land.

Sleep: I’m sleeping all right. Turning from side to side, getting up 1 – 2 times a night to tinkle and sip on some water.

Exercise: I’m just taking it easy, alternating yoga and walking. I’ve gone to the driving range and am starting to introduce tennis back into my schedule once or twice a week.

Clothing: I still fit in all my shirts and most of my jeans. Some shorts are suddenly WAY too tight so I’m using my Maeband…lifesaver! My boobs are firm and growing (oh yeah!) but I wear bralettes so I’ll be fine for a while.

How I’m feeling: Still struggling a little with the skin on my face but the hair and nails are on point! Although I have started threading my upper lip and chin. Oh please stop there! I also have an itchy chest…weird!


Cravings- Coffee, mint chocolate.

Aversions- BBQ sauce, stirfry, curry, meat smells. (Well…any bad smell!)

What I miss:

  1. Red wine. After living in France last year, can you blame me?

  2. Hot tubs.

Nursery: I haven’t started yet. When did you start?

Purchases: I have recently bought some cute clothes from “Once upon a child” and “Buy Buy Baby.” I’m in love! I can’t believe our baby is going to wear them, they look so small! My friend is having a yard sale of her children’s baby clothes so I’m excited to check it out.

Hubby: Daniel is the sweetest! He talks to baby everyday and is so involved in going through baby names and reading parenting books.

Can’t wait for: My ultrasound next week, May 05/09/17.

Read next week’s post here:

Vegan Pregnancy Update {18 Weeks}

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Hi, I'm Kendra

I am a qualified Montessori teacher and yoga teacher up to my ears in diapers, toy cars and the best kisses a mama can handle. I am passionate about connecting with moms and supporting each other on this journey of motherhood. I share family-friendly recipes, my pregnancy, postpartum and parenting journey, Montessori inspiration, and products we loveI am a South African living in the US with my hubby and two boys.

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