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Ever Deane

Vegan Pregnancy Update {Week 32}

Vegan Pregnancy Update {31 Weeks} Vegan Pregnancy Update {30 Weeks} Vegan Pregnancy Update {29 Weeks} Vegan Pregnancy Update {28 Weeks} Vegan Pregnancy Update {27 Weeks} Vegan Pregnancy Update {26 Weeks} Vegan Pregnancy Update {25 Weeks} Vegan Pregnancy Update {24 Weeks} Vegan Pregnancy Update {23 Weeks} Vegan Pregnancy Update {22 Weeks} Vegan Pregnancy Update {21 Weeks} Vegan Pregnancy Update {20 Weeks} Vegan Pregnancy Update {19 Weeks} Vegan Pregnancy Update {18 Weeks} Vegan Pregnancy Update {17 Weeks}

How Far Along: 32 weeks 5 days

Size: Baby is in the 70th percentile for size (eek! #veganstrong) weighing 4.5 lbs, and is about 17 inches head to toe. Food comparison – Jicama (pronounced “hee-cama”) This is a very confused vegetable. It’s part of the legume family but it looks like a pumpkin/potato. Look it up, seriously.

Gender: Daniel and I weren’t convinced about the nurse switching to do a 3D ultrasound at our appointment this week but I really wanted to see our little nu-nu’s face since we don’t have the connection of knowing if baby is a little boy or girl. I absolutely melted when I saw those sweet little lips!

Boy or Girl?????

The Nurse and Doctor couldn’t get over how much hair our baby had. The Doc. even measured it- our little one has 1cm spikes all around. I wonder what color it’s going to be! Amazing!

Weight gain: At my checkup at Baby + Company on Wednesday, weight gain was 24lbs (About 10.8kgs)

Baby bump: Baby bump is getting big and tight. I’m still having Braxton Hicks everyday, which is uncomfortable but not painful.

Graduation pic with our amazing host, Jen (aka Peanut Butter Runner). Also that’s sparkling water, not wine.

Movement: Baby is kicking less but still moving around. On my right side. Always the right side. I even woke up one night with what felt like baby’s foot stuck under one of my ribs. Ouch. It’s more like scraping along the tummy and pressing out rather than the distinctive kicks of previous weeks. I can understand since space in there is very limited. Whenever I try to let someone else feel baby move, baby some how knows I’m trying to put him/her in the spotlight, and he/she gives us the silent treatment. Uhhhh.

Exercise: I graduated from Yoga Teacher Training this weekend and after a full weekend, that included slipping and falling at the grocery store (nothing serious!), I was man-down on Monday. I struggled to get back on the exercise train after that. I could blame the excessive heat or the intense thunderstorms, but I just kind of slumped this week. I went to the pool and swam around on Wednesday and it felt great! I know that as soon as I get back to it, I’ll feel so much better. It’s just that initial push that I need to get started. Help!

Last day of TT! You girls are amazing!

How I’m feeling: I’m feeling quite nervous about the birth actually. I’m nervous about the pain and about possible complications. I know that I just need to have faith that God knows how it’s all going to turn out and this baby is His precious child too. Easier said than done.


  1. Cravings- Croissants. Going to Amelie’s was a bad choice, haha. I had the mushroom tartine without cheese instead.

  2. Aversions- Still the same: Sundried tomatoes, peanut sauce, stirfry, curry, and meat smells. I just can’t. Still.

Food: I only started meal planning on Wednesday. I can’t even remember what I had on Monday and Tuesday.

  1. Wed: Rice bowl/buddah bowl/sunshine bowl (whatever you want to call it)

  2. Thurs: Leftovers

  3. Friday: Chickpea salad rolls (Plant Powered Families)

  4. Saturday: Falafels

That’s as far as I could go. Zzzzzzzz.

What I miss:

  1. Sleeping on my tummy and back (still my number one miss!)(I’m not changing this…ever)

  2. Going to the bathroom a normal amount of times a day. Sigh.

Nursery: Daniel needs to put up the mirror and I need to buy a rug. Procrastinate much!?

Baby Purchases: I’m wondering when you need to start washing all of baby’s things? I haven’t washed any of the clothes/bibs etc. yet. No baby purchases this week.

Hubby: Baby kicked Daniel in the face this week. It was hilarious! He went to put his forehead on my belly to say hi, and right at that moment baby kicked out hard pushing Daniel’s head away. We were almost rolling on the floor we were laughing so hard. It was so funny!

Can’t wait for: I’m actually looking forward to the eclipse on Monday! My mom got us some eclipse glasses so we are ready to go! Thanks Mom!

Have a great weekend everyone!

Till next week,

Read next week’s update: Vegan Pregnancy Update {33 Weeks}

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Hi, I'm Kendra

I am a qualified Montessori teacher and yoga teacher up to my ears in diapers, toy cars and the best kisses a mama can handle. I am passionate about connecting with moms and supporting each other on this journey of motherhood. I share family-friendly recipes, my pregnancy, postpartum and parenting journey, Montessori inspiration, and products we loveI am a South African living in the US with my hubby and two boys.

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