I call out “Downward Facing Dog” and Ollie does it! So cute!
I started doing “Itsy Bitsy Yoga” (a book by Helen Garabedian – given to me by a friend) with Ollie this week and I can’t believe I waited this long to begin. I was obviously doing some of the activities throughout the day as they can be as simple as jumping your baby up and down, but I hadn’t made a time to sit down and do a few poses together on the yoga mat. I skimmed the book again last weekend to refresh my memory, because I read it during pregnancy but it flew out my memory once baby was born.
I love how there is so much singing involved. I sing to Oliver a lot, mostly my made up songs, but some “real” songs too, so I love making up tunes to sing with the pose names that we are modifying. My favorite is the “Half Moon” pose. We sit on my yoga mat in front of his mirror and pull up bar (other options here and here) and sing along while we do a few poses. I usually model the pose then help him do it for as long as he can which is usually 5-10 seconds.
I’ll give it a couple weeks and check in with you again to see how our little practice has evolved, but I wanted to share this book with you because it has little flows/sequences with pictures so it is very easy to follow, or use as a guide to make up your own.
Do you do yoga with your baby/child? What does it look like for you?
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